
Along with Velázquez and El Greco, Francisco de Zurbarán (1598-1664) is undoubtedly one of the most celebrated Spanish painters of the 17th century. Zurbarán, who for the romantics represented Spanish monastic asceticism, would become relevant again in the 20th century thanks, in part, to cubism, which contributed to the rediscovery of the great plastic qualities of his work. Indeed, if the simplicity of his artistic preparation reflects a melancholic and scarcely refined temperament, and if his painting even contains a rustic accent, in his work one can nevertheless appreciate a predominance of plastic values ​​that responds to the concern to give a form specific to the construction of the spirit. Professor Santiago Alcolea offers us a general perspective of Zurbarán's artistic career, structured into four periods marked by relevant events that led to significant changes in style. Author: Santiago Alcolea i Gil Language: Spanish Binding: Hardcover Pages: 128 pp. Dimensions: 22.5 x 2 x 29 cm Publisher: Ediciones Polígrafa
CHF 8.00
CHF 8.00

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