
At the end of the 1990s, Fernando Bryce (Lima, 1965) abandoned painting to dedicate himself exclusively to drawing, creating a work based on what the artist himself calls the «mimetic analysis method»: p. eg, Chinese ink copies of photographs, newspaper clippings, advertisements, publicity or popular propaganda, among others, from archives and libraries. Initially, his intention was to carry out a study of the history of power and the images of his country, Peru. However, his documentary-archaeological research soon extended to landmarks and historical figures of the 20th century, with a double purpose: to recover documents and images that, in the past, had been deliberately relegated to oblivion by official historiography, to anchor in the present those events destined to be quickly forgotten by the power media. Bryce claims a new image, made from a mechanical copy of documents, statistical plans, bureaucratic reports and pamphlets, while turning the image into a new form of writing, into a graphology that shows the framework of specific historical events. This book brings together, in facsimile form, the Americas series including South of the Border, currently in the MoMA collection in a numbered edition of five hundred copies. Year: 2009 Language: English Pages: 128 pp. Dimensions: 21 x 2 x 30 cm Binding: Hardcover Conservation: It may present marks and slight damage.

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