Catalogue published for the collective exhibition on the occasion of the opening of the Gaspar Foundation. Synopsis For more than two centuries we have been hearing, over and over again, insistently and persistently, in various contexts and situations, that art has died; that the artistic experience, as such, has been definitively superseded or canceled from History; that what began in the strict sense with the arrival of the Renaissance, has ceased to occupy a significant place in our cultural horizons. In the field of theory and artistic thought, for their part, there have also been innumerable people who have reflected on or have made clear their own death statement from Hegel to Danto. And yet, art resists and persists, over and over again. With each new death certificate that someone signs or proclaims, art restructures its own parameters and its multiple potentialities to generate a horizon of internal and external meaning that is strong enough to continue to be operative. A fortress that takes shape through the proposals of Rita Ackermann, Louise Bourgeois, Martin Creed, Subodh Gupta, Thomas Houseago, Paul McCarthy, Dieter Roth, Mira Schendel, Christoph Schlingensief, Roman Signer, Diana Thater and Mark Wallinger. Published by: Polígrafa, 2015 Language: Spanish Pages: 36 pages Dimensions: 32 x 24 cm Binding: Softcover

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